Government plans to exceed the rights of a Personal Health Budget
At Secure Personal Assistants, we are here to help manage and implement everything needed for a Personal Health Budget (PHB). We can provide you with your very own personal assistant to help you with everything, we can provide the training in our very own offices for the personal assistant to help you with your ongoing medical conditions, and our robust clinical and training team will implement a care plan for you which is personalized to your very own way of living and what you think is best for the Personal Assistants to follow and get more knowledge..

Becoming a Personal Health Budget holder:
Personal Health Budgets offer many different individuals a choice on which type of care and services they will get and what they will have control over, such as the money spent on their healthcare.

Is a Personal Health Budget the best way to personalize health care?
Personal Health Budgets have been embraced dramatically by government ministers as a means of giving service users a wider choice, control, and flexibility.
A speech was given in 2010 around July, from Paul Burstow, the Minister of State for the care services, who had described them as the exemplar of what the government aims to achieve. Personal Health Budgets encloses what we represent, the aim is to change the relationship between the citizen and the government. To do less to people and more with them.

Starting off with Personal Health Budgets
Personal Health budgets are available to service users who have Complex Needs and have continuing care, these funds come from either the NHS or your elected Clinical Commission Group (CCG).
For clients who are under continuing care, a Person Health Budget which you can use to find carers, train carers, and pay your carers through this to fit the right needs of the service user. People who have a Personal Health Budget (PHB) budget in place can either run everything themselves or have a healthcare provider to help consult them and run everything such as training and payments for you.