Becoming a Personal Health Budget holder:

Personal Health Budgets offer many different individuals a choice on which type of care and services they will get and what they will have control over, such as the money spent on their healthcare. After early-stage assessments, a service user is told how much money is available and decides how to use the money to meet the health and well-being outcomes.

Secure Healthcare Assistants offer the training, care plan writing, the clinical sign offs and many more needs needed to help you through your personal health budget. Secure Personal assistant is connected with our sister company Secure Healthcare Solutions which is an established healthcare provider with a robust training and clinical team to go through everything you will need to set up and support you through your Personal Health Budget.

The aim for a Personal Health Budget is to give people more choice and control over the money spent on meeting the wellbeing and health needs.

To find out the if you are eligible for a personal health budget click the link below which is outlined:

There are many different ways a Personal Health Budget can be managed.

Notional Budget:

No money changes hands. The Personal Health Budget holder knows how much will be available for their assessed needs and decides together with the professionals in the NHS to conclude how to spend the money. Then the NHS professionals are responsible for holding the money and arranging the support and care needed.

Third Party Budget:

Secure Personal Assistants is an organisation independent of both the person and the NHS commissioners. Secure Personal Assistants creates and implements the training, the care plan writing and the clinical training working along side the Care Commissioners group. The family will work alongside with an organisation such as Secure Personal Assistants. To ensure the management of the personal health budget goes as smooth as possible.

Direct Payment for Healthcare:

The personal Health Budget holder or the supporting representative will have the money in a bank account and takes responsibility for purchasing the agreed care and support. Budget holders must evidence what the money is being spent on. Further guidance is included in the direct payment in healthcare guidance.

In most cases people will need a separate bank account to receive the Personal Health Budget via a direct payment, some exceptions can be made if the money needs to be directly paid into an existing bank account.

To enquire more information about Secure Personal Assistants and how we can help you with handling your Personal Health Budget,

Visit our website:


3 Ways to manage a Personal Health Budget:


Is a Personal Health Budget the best way to personalize health care?