The “right” for a Personal Health Budget

On the 1st of April, it marked the first day in the next stage in the Personal Health Budget Journeys, which, after a vast series of trials and pilots, it is now available nationally. NHS England announced that from 1st April 2014 patients will have the right to request a Personal Health Budget which is as it sounds, an agreed amount that is assessed by the CHC team. The Personal Health budget is made available to the holder of the Personal Health Budget.

A Personal Health Budget (PHB) can come in the form of either a notional budget, direct payments, or a third-party arrangement. Secure Personal Assistants come in and can arrange and manage the support needed to help the Personal Health Budget.

Secure Personal Assistants are here to make your life easier and implement everything that you need with a robust team to help create care plans, and train the staff that is needed even if you need help with recruitment this is something we can sort out for you!

It is of course a right to ask not a right to have a Personal Health Budget so the commissioners will still need to assess whether a patient is eligible for a personal health budget and whether it is appropriate for the individual holding it.

Complying with the requirements in the National Health Service (Direct Payments) Regulations 2013 commissioners will need to show they have considered whether a Personal Health Budget is appropriate for the individual with those conditions; the impact of that condition on that person’s life; and whether a Personal Health Budget represents value for money.

NHS England has published a suite of guidance materials to assist commissioners in deciding whether a personal health budget is appropriate and the practicalities of setting up and managing arrangements. For more information, please click the link below:

Secure Personal Assistants is an organization that can help you set up and make it easier for you. We can support on your behalf, manage the funds on your behalf and keep you all in the loop.

Secure Personal Assistants

The Key features of a Personal Health Budget

We know that even the best initiatives can go wrong without people’s input into quality indicators and feedback about how things are working on the ground. There are 6 key features of a Personal Health Budget:

A Person Should:

  • Be Central in developing their personalized care and support plan and agree on who is involved

  • Be able to agree on the health and well-being outcomes

  • Know upfront an indication of how much money they have available for healthcare and support

  • Have enough money in the budget to meet the health and well-being needs and outcomes agreed in the personalized care and support plan

  • Have the option to manage the money as a direct payment, a notional budget, a third-party budget

  • Be able to use the money to meet their outcomes in ways and at times that make sense to them, as agreed in their personalized care and support plan

For more information don’t hesitate to get in contact with our team here at Secure Personal Assistants:



Government plans to exceed the rights of a Personal Health Budget


3 Ways to manage a Personal Health Budget: